Not bringing such a brilliant or haughty beauty, the ox-eye daisy owns a gentle and pure, simple but very close beauty.
Autumn in Hanoi is not really over and winter has also not come yet, Hanoi is in its transition, stays peaceful in slightly cold weather. And as normal laws of the nature, during days of November, streets of Hanoi are once again filled with tiny small white daisies which quiver in the light breeze, drawing a so beautiful picture.

Not bringing such a brilliant or haughty beauty, the ox-eye daisy owns a gentle and pure, simple but very close beauty.
If you have time to wander along the streets of Hanoi, you will easily see bicycles bringing tiny white daisies to reach every corner and offer the beautiful flowers to the door of each family. For Hanoians, the ox-eye daisy with pure white petals has long become an indispensable decoration in their house during these days. Only blooming for about 3 weeks in November, this kind of daisy has become more precious among many people.
Each season in Hanoi has its own flower with its unique beauty which forms an indispensable piece of the overall colorful picture of Hanoi. But for many people, the ox-eye daisy is still a very special sketchy line, creating a very simple Hanoi. With such pure white flowers, we have seemingly touched a great autumn.